Boolean function
Boolean functions is an expression with true binary
variables, the true binary operations (+,.) in unary operator, (NOT)
parenthesis and = sign. For a given value of variables, the functions can be
either 0 or 1. For e.g. F1=x.y.z’ represents F1=1 only...
Boolean Algebra And Logic Gate
Boolean Algebra like any other mathematical system can be
defined with a set of elements, a set of operator and a no of unproved
postulates. This algebra in two valued system can be used to represent the
properties of bistable circuit.
Integrate Circuit(IC)
An integrated circuit is a silicon semi-conductor crystal
called a chip containing electronic components for constructing digital
devices. Various gates are inter-connected inside the chip to form required
circuit. The chip is mounted on...
Binary Coded Decimal Code (BCD) codes
A binary code will have some unassigned bit combinations if the number of element in the set is not a multiple power of two. The decimal digit from such a set is the binary code distinguished among 10 elements must contain at least 4 bits...
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