Friday, January 1, 2016

Integrated Circuits

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Integrate Circuit(IC)

An integrated circuit is a silicon semi-conductor crystal called a chip containing electronic components for constructing digital devices. Various gates are inter-connected inside the chip to form required circuit. The chip is mounted on a plastic container and connected connections are welded to external pins.

Advantage of IC’s

1.       Extremely small size and thousands times smaller than conventional circuit due to fabrication of larger number of element in a single chip.
2.       Very small weight
3.       Very low cost due to simultaneous production of hundreds of similar types (Mass production Concept).
4.       More reliable because of elimination of soldered joints and need for fewer interconnection.
5.       Low power consumptions because of their smaller size.
6.       Easy replacement as it is in organized and discrete form.
7.       Increased operating speed because of the absence of parasitic capacitance.

Linear and Digital IC’s

A linear IC is an analog device characterized by infinite number of possible operating states of input levels. The best known and common linear IC is pe-rational amplifier Digital IC process only. On-off signal that is discrete signal. This IC is made in microprocessor.

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