Friday, January 1, 2016

Logic Tables of logic gates

And Gate Table OR Gate Table NOT Gate Table NAND Gate Table NOT Gate Table ...

Boolean Function and Logic gates

Boolean function Boolean functions is an expression with true binary variables, the true binary operations (+,.) in unary operator, (NOT) parenthesis and = sign. For a given value of variables, the functions can be either 0 or 1. For e.g. F1=x.y.z’ represents F1=1 only...

Boolean algebra and basic postulates

Chapter 2 Boolean Algebra And Logic Gate Boolean Algebra like any other mathematical system can be defined with a set of elements, a set of operator and a no of unproved postulates. This algebra in two valued system can be used to represent the properties of bistable circuit. Two...

Integrated Circuits

Integrate Circuit(IC) An integrated circuit is a silicon semi-conductor crystal called a chip containing electronic components for constructing digital devices. Various gates are inter-connected inside the chip to form required circuit. The chip is mounted on...

BCD code, XS-3 code, ASCII code , EBCDIC code, Gray code, Error detection codes and other codes........

Binary Coded Decimal Code (BCD) codes A binary code will have some unassigned bit combinations if the number of element in the set is not a multiple power of two. The decimal digit from such a set is the binary code distinguished among 10 elements must contain at least 4 bits...



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